What was your first musical memory and what pushed you towards pursuing a career in the record industry?
"My first musical memory is getting a Beautiful South tape for one of my birthdays. I think I always used to sing along to 'Perfect 10' (even though the tape I received didn't have the song on it) and I played it to death. After that I was just exposed to so much different music that it was just something that was always there. The realisation of wanting to make an actual career out of it myself came much later, after my dreams of being a scientist, a fighter pilot, and finally an astronaut died out."
What sort of records were played around the house when you were younger and did these records have an influence on your songwriting?
"I remember a lot of different songs and styles being played around me, from Radiohead to Van Morrison. Mostly music with strong lyrical content so I would like to think it had a definite impact on my writing. Also my mum and dad were the rich in culture, poor in money types which gave me a very good head for appreciating the beauty and magic in the mundane. I thank god it was that way round."
Had you been involved with any other bands prior to becoming a solo artist as Ali Ingle?
"Like most I dabbled. I was in a band with my best mates as a kid but we failed to play barely one gig. We were more into the idea of being in a band than changing the world with our music. I'm the only one who carried it on and decided it was what I wanted to do. The others were much wiser than I."
Why did you choose to become a solo artist instead of forming a band?
"I just wrote on my own and sang on my own. Getting other people in didn't seem necessary. I've always been something of a lone wolf, or a lone fox. I love being alone but I wouldn't say I'm particularly an introvert. I really enjoy the company of others, its just sometimes its easier to be alone. "
How would you describe the sound of Ali Ingle?
"I would say for a long time it was very much vocal and lyric based, but recently I've been working with a band and they have brought out a lot more music in me. Ultimately, I am just trying to make honest music for a generation of dreamers."
You describe your lyrics as ‘well observed’. What would you say is more important for you as an artist – the lyrics or the music?
"For me its the lyrics, I'm all about the lyrics and what it is you are trying to say. But the music makes a lot of people listen to the lyrics. To get the perfect mix of the two is the goal I'm always striving for!"
You’ve released a few singles to date including ‘Tornado’. What is this song about and what influenced it?
"The song is about what makes a person. I believe it is the failures not the achievements that you truly learn and grow from. My biggest influences come from my biggest mistakes. I use the metaphor of a tornado to symbolise the wreckage left behind from different people you meet, either through love or hate. I remember clearly when the song came about as I was trying to find a song and to finish off my first release that I was looking to put out. It hit me like a brick what I wanted to say and the rest is, as they say, history."
Your hard work over the years has recently been rewarded with a record deal. What did it feel like the day that the dream came true?
"It was like the day you leave high school and realise that it's time to get serious, but also your really f**king happy that you don't have to go back to school! That is exactly how I felt."
What role would you say that Tilt Shift Music has played in your career?
"A massive one. Not only in promoting me and getting my music out there but also giving birth to me and bringing me up to be the person I am."
You count Chris Difford among your fans. How does it feel having such an icon and great songwriter as a fan of your music?
"Chris is an absolute legend. He's been so supportive since the day I met him and to know that one of my biggest idols approves of what I do is the most encouraging thing I can ask for. Squeeze are a big influence to me as they were among the many artists that were played to me growing up."
You’re playing a ‘hometown’ gig this Christmas in which you’re showcasing your new band line up. What can fans expect from this?
"Fans can expect a night of amazing live music and crazy robot Christmas fun. I've been rehearsing and working on new material as well as old, and I can't wait to see how it goes down. Plus my support is awesome. They are gonna blow your socks off."
The gig is being billed as ‘Do Robots Dream of Christmas?’ Where did this come from?
"Just my love for robots and Christmas really. The name is inspired by the Phillip K Dick book, 'Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep'. I'm a sci-fi fan and needed a reason to dress like a robot. This seemed like a better reason than any!"
Do you have any 'rituals' before going on stage?
"Not really. I always get ritually nervous. I'm like part time superstitious so I've had like good luck charms over the years but I always come to my senses. Mainly I just pray that its gonna go well and I'm not gonna embarrass myself."
Any live dates coming up?
"Do Robots Dream Of Christmas, 21st December, Evac, Liverpool."
Any new songs in the pipeline?
"Loads, I write all the time so there's always a new song. I'm demoing like crazy so I may release any that don't make the album on a 'not good enough for the album' album."
When can fans be expecting the next release?
"In the new year. I'm currently recording my debut album so when that is finished I will be releasing some singles!"
Who would be your dream collaboration?
"David Gray. I've always wanted to collaborate with him since forever. Also Bob Dylan would be unbelievable. That's dream come true shit right there."
Who would be in your dream super group?
"Basically me with the band from the Muppets. That would be my dream supergroup. Or even just me with animal on drums in a white stripes style band."
Favourite Beatle?
Favourite band?
"The Beach Boys."
Favourite new band?
Favourite song?
"Rocket Man, Elton John."
Favourite album?
"Grace, Jeff Buckley."
Vinyl, CD or download?
Style icon?
"James Dean."
Favourite clothing brand?
"Don't have one."
Favourite film?
Favourite TV show?
Who would play you in a film of your life?
"Seth Green."
Favourite food?
Football team?
Hope you enjoyed this feature on Ali Ingle! Check out our previous feature on Button Up!
Check out Ali Ingle here - http://www.aliingle.co.uk/
Check out Tilt Shift Music here - http://www.tiltshiftmusic.com/
You can also like our Facebook page to keep up to date with all future interviews at the following link - https://www.facebook.com/aldorabritainrecords
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