What was your first musical memory and what pushed you towards pursuing a career in the record industry?
"First musical memory...embarrassing but probably listening to the London Boys on my cassette walkman, I used to love those guys!"
What kind of records were on around the house when you were younger and would you say that these records still have an influence on your music today?
"Yeah my dad is a musician and played lots of great stuff in the house - Jackson Browne, Bob Dylan, The Beatles..."
Had you been involved with any other bands prior to becoming a solo artist as Tommy Coyle?
"I called my band Costanza for a while...after George Costanza from the show Seinfeld."
Why did you choose to become a solo artist instead of forming a band?
"Members of Costanza kept leaving, and because it was all my songs anyway, I decided it was better to go with my solo name, plus it sounded better! I always rather playing songs with a band though, much more fun!"
How would you describe the sound of Tommy Coyle?
"Alternative country/indie/folk stuff, big focus on the song craft and the lyrics, like bands like Arctic Monkeys, Bright Eyes, Glasvegas..."
One of your finest songs to date is ‘Ahmed’. You have revealed that this song is about the subject of war. Could you expand for us?
"I was trying to write an anti-war song that had a simple message like 'Universal Soldier' by Donovan, it is just about a guy called Ahmed from Afghanistan and how he has the same needs and desires as everyone else, we are all one consciousness...unfair that he gets bombed just because he lives somewhere else...plus I was trying to be like the song 'Vincent' by Don McLean by having a kinda love song that wasn't about the typical thing of a girl you fancied..."
Your debut album is called ‘Voodoo Sessions’. Where did you get this title from and why did you choose is as the title for your album?
"It is called 'Voodoo Sessions' because it was recorded at The Voodoo Rooms at my mate, Gary Halls' studio. He is a producer/singer-songwriter who has really supported and encouraged me a lot so I thought I would name it after his studios...also, it is not really a proper debut album, more of a 'best of so far' type album, so this name was more suited it."
What can fans expect from this album?
"There are two CDs, one with ten tracks recorded almost all acoustically and one with three tracks recorded with a band...its
more of a introduction/best of so far CD really hence the live album title."
Do you have any 'rituals' before going on stage?
"Err, tune my guitar!?"
Any live dates coming up?
"16th December at Voices, Boogaloo, Muswell Hill, London and
18th December at The Islington, London."
Any new songs in the pipeline?
"Yeah, the first three songs on my soundcloud are all new songs that are not on the album, these will be on my first proper debut full band album being released next year."
When can fans be expecting the next release?
"Full blown, full band alt. country album with loads of instruments, its gonna be great!"
Who would be your dream collaboration?
"Probably with Conor Oberst from Bright Eyes."
Who would be in your dream super group?
"Noel Gallagher, Eminem, Mike from Sona Fariq/Dead Kids, The Angriest Guitar Player In The World."
Favourite Beatle?
Favourite band?
"Err...Bright Eyes?"
Favourite new band?
"My band?"
Favourite song?
"Vincent, Don McLean."
Favourite album?
"Err really don't have a favourite...I liked Glasvegas' first album a lot."
Vinyl, CD or download?
Style icon?
"Gordon Ramsay."
Favourite clothing brand?
Favourite film?
"8 Mile."
Favourite TV show?
"Hell's Kitchen! That I do know."
Who would play you in a film of your life?
"Ed Sheeran."
Favourite food?
"Green vegetable juice."
Football team?
"York city!"
Hope you enjoyed this feature on Tommy Coyle! Check out our previous New Year Feature!
Check out Tommy Coyle here - http://tommycoyle.tumblr.com/
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