The Phantoms are a four-piece indie rock and roll band from Broxburn. Forming roughly two years ago they have already released an EP entitled "This Is How It Should Be" and an explosive debut single, "Revolution". Things are getting exciting as they gear up to the release of second single "Wasting Time" and there is a real sense that 2015 will be the year of The Phantoms. Be sure to check out their live show at King Tut's next month in Glasgow. It's not one to miss.
In this feature we have a chat to frontman (and Catfish And The Bottlemen obsessive) Colin Simpson about all things Phantoms and we also review the brand new single.

Hi Colin, how you doing? Been awhile since your last release, what have the band been up to since then?
Colin: "Hi Tom, yeah not bad at all mate. Just keeping the band busy with some top gigs to the end of last year. The second half of the year was special. Recently we have been recording our new song ‘Wasting Time’ and doing the video."
You're currently releasing your second single, "Wasting Time". What is the track about and what influenced it?
Colin: "It took me and Mckillop nearly a year to write that one. It changed so many times, we literally went to the studio and went for it. Lyrics where wrote the night before we went to record, so it's an 'in the moment' track. Lyrically and musically it's very moving I guess. The track is about mucking someone about and wasting there time, kinda being selfish and thinking about yourself, rather than that person."
You've hinted at a big show taking place in early 2015. Is there any update on this?
Colin: "King Tut’s Saturday 14th March, supporting Cold Ocean Lies. Gonna be pretty special I think, all the lads can’t wait. There is a real buzz around us just now. It’s a good time to be in The Phantoms."
What's up next for The Phantoms?
Colin: "Let’s get some festivals and some bigger gigs. Who knows, I’ve learnt not to have a plan because being in this band is an emotional rollercoaster at times. Wouldn’t change that though."
Last one, who would be in your dream supergroup?
Colin: "Ian Curtis - vocals, John Lennon - rhythm guitar, Johnny Marr - lead guitar, Paul McCartney - bass guitar and Keith Moon - drums."

Favourite Beatle?
Colin: "John Lennon."
Favourite band or singer?
Colin: "Obviously Oasis and Noel Gallagher."
Favourite new band or singer?
Colin: "Catfish And The Bottlemen by a mile."
Favourite song?
Colin: "Cocoon by Catfish."
Favourite album?
Colin: "The Balcony by Catfish And The Bottlemen."
Dream collaboration?
Colin: "Noel Gallagher, see he's at the Hydro soon (hint)."
Vinyl, CD or download?
Colin: "CD."
When you press shuffle on your iPod, what is the first track that comes on?
Colin: "Courteeners - Welcome To The Rave."
Style icon?
Colin: "Van McCann."
Favourite film?
Colin: "Control Joy Division."
Favourite TV show?
Colin: "No time to watch TV."
Who would play you in a film of your life?
Colin: "No idea, I'd do it if the money was there."
Favourite food?
Colin: "Anything. Love a curry though."
Football team?
Colin: "Rangers."

The Phantoms new single, "Wasting Time", is another dark-edged indie rock gem; atmospheric guitar, driving bass, pounding drums, reverb and echo aplenty. This is the kind of song and kind of band that are destined for the stadiums. It shows a progression from previous single "Revolution" but retains a distinctive Phantoms edge; purely irresistible.
The Phantoms have an up coming show at King Tuts in Glasgow which cannot be missed if there Sneaky Pete's show in Edinburgh is anything to go by. The 'old classics' ("Revolution", "Dust", "We're Coming For You") were all there but the new tunes are equally worth a mention. Show opener "Take Me All The Way" is one to watch out for and the aforementioned "Wasting Time" takes on a whole new life live.

Hope you enjoyed this feature on The Phantoms!
Check out The Phantoms at the following link - https://www.facebook.com/TMATW
Buy tickets for their show at King Tut's here - http://thephantoms2014.bigcartel.com/
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