What is your earliest musical memory and what pushed you towards perusing a career in the music business?
Chris: "Listening to music with my family CDs and occasionally my parents would bring vinyl down from the loft and we'd listen to old records. My love of playing the guitar and being creative pushed me to follow a career in music."
Brian: "When I was six, I remember listening to a song called 'Nobody's child' on a sixties compilation and being really moved by the lyrics. Since an early age I enjoyed expressing myself with whatever was at hand; pencils, sellotape, shouting, and as a relatively fat child entering puberty I found it important to increase the possibility of finding myself in 'sexual' situations. I had read that pop stars had an affinity with eager young woman so I decided I would use a guitar to express myself, and start working out before school."
Clare: "I remember playing my mum's old 45 vinyl records on this wee turntable. At family parties, I would pretend to be their DJ. I remember being curious as to what the reaction would be to the record I put on."
Had you been involved in any other bands or musical ventures before Suspire?
Chris: "I'm involved in another band - Touring Barcelona. Our first EP was recorded by Brian."
Brian: "I cut my teeth in a band called Daedalian which was my apprenticeship into musicianship and song-smithery. I also wandered the toilets of Glasgow playing my songs on an acoustic guitar for anyone who would listen. I spent a few years involved with a musical charity called Loud n' Proud which culminated in a fantastic musical called 'I was there' at the SECC Armadillo. It was about the Glasgow Apollo Theatre and it was an absolutely fantastic experience."
How did Suspire begin?
Clare: "Paul and I met a small lifetime ago through a mutual musician friend at the time in King Tut's. He joined the band (a very different band at the time) shortly after on bass. Our sound - and members - have evolved hugely since then. I've never been more excited about our sound. Brian has brought so many fruitful ideas to the table."
Where did the name Suspire come from?
Clare: "It's a Shakespearean term, meaning 'to breathe' or 'exhale'."
How would you describe the sound of Suspire?
Brian: "Jagged pop."
Last year you made a music video for your superb single ‘Dodos’. What influenced the song and what is the song itself about?
Brian: "The song was a collaboration between Paul and myself and was written (in its elemental form) several years before I became part of Suspire. Lyrically, it is Paul's baby. However, my lyrical input was the rather nonsensical 'do, do then don't like you did with dodos'. Never let logic get in the way of a good metaphor is something we always say...without ever saying it. Music, production and community was the main purpose of that song. The lyrics are less important when you visualise the creation of the song as a holistic piece."
You are currently recording your debut album. What can fans expect from this?
Clare: "I think some of the tracks will surprise our fans. My favourite track on the album is 'On a Clear Day' - and we haven't even played this live yet."
Brian: "Pop driven synth-rock. There is a blend of acoustic and electronic textures. I believe the product, as a package, is documenting a transitional time from our more fundamental rock musings into a more dynamic, through-composed pop."
Do you have any 'rituals' before you go on stage?
Clare: "I like sound-checking with enough time to chill for a bit. A good quality black coffee and a Stoats Oats bar also works a treat."
Brian: "Usually pouring my Buckfast from a glass bottle called a "boatle" into a non-descript, family-friendly bottle."
Any live dates coming up?
Clare: "We're playing at the Darvel Music Festival for St Andrew's weekend on 29th November, Darvel Town Hall. We also have an invite-only album preview coming up in January 2014 - more to be announced!"
Any new songs in the pipeline?
Clare: "Loads! But, we'll realistically only select a handful of the strongest for future releases."
When can fans expect the next official release?
Clare: "We will release another digital single next month, with limited edition albums also going out to our most dedicated fans late December. After that, we should have a shiny new album out at the beginning of 2014."
Who would be your dream collaboration?
Clare: "Too many to mention, but a stand-out one for me would have to be with PJ Harvey. She's very cool."
Brian: "I would love to write with Dave Grohl and Josh Homme. It's a little cliché but it would give me the chance to record on the Sound City Neve console and filth things up again."
Who would be in your dream super group?
Chris: "Joe Bonamassa on guitar, Gavin Harrison on drums, Tony Levin on bass...no idea who would sing."
Brian: "I'm in one. The atomic strength of Suspire, Touring Barcelona and Daedalian all in one badly-groomed package."
Favourite Beatle?
Clare: "McCartney."
Chris: "Harrison because he worked with Clapton - who is a big influence on my playing."
Favourite band?
Clare: "Incubus or Radiohead (can't decide)."
Chris: "Too many to choose from."
Favourite new band?
Clare: "Everything Everything."
Chris: "CHVRCHES."
Brian: "I think Bruno Mars' latest album was spectacular."
Favourite song?
Clare: "Consistently, You Can Call Me Al by Paul Simon makes me happy."
Favourite album?
Clare: "In Rainbows, Radiohead."
Brian: "In Utero by Nirvana, Hate by The Delgadoes or Holy Bible by Manic Street Preachers."
Vinyl, CD or download?
Clare: "Vinyl."
Style icon?
Clare: "PJ Harvey, but she has her mental days - sort of love those too."
Favourite clothing brand?
Favourite clothing brand?
Clare: "I prefer a good charity shop hunt for clothes, so it varies."
Favourite film?
Clare: "Home Alone, but only at Christmas time. Love Christmas movies."
Favourite TV show?
Chris: "Game of Thrones."
Brian: "Breaking Bad or Match Of The Day."
Who would play you in a film of your life?
Clare: "Kirsten Dunst."
Brian: "Paul Duffin."
Paul: "Wesley Snipes. (Yes, Paul is alive)."
Favourite food?
Clare: "Fillet of sea bass with a roast red pepper sauce (Guy's Restaurant, Glasgow. LOVE this place)."
Football team?
Clare: "In the band, we have 1.5 Celtic fans; one Clyde fan and one with no interest in football. So, let's just collectively say Arsenal and be done with it!"
Hope you enjoyed this feature on Suspire! Check out our previous feature on Little Liam!
Check out Suspire here - http://www.suspire.net/
You can also like our Facebook page to keep up to date with all future interviews at the following link - https://www.facebook.com/aldorabritainrecords
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