1 - What was your earliest musical memory and what pushed you towards pursuing a career in the music industry?
Lisa: "I used to dance to glam rock bands in my pants at about two or three - only in my lounge though! But I can't remember ever not wanting to be a singer..."
Marc: "The Beatles."
2 - Had you been involved in any other band prior to Lights That Change?
Lisa: "Lots! Too many to mention! I started very young and played with my punk band The Spindolls in a pub at the age of thirteen! I do lots of solo stuff under my own name too!"
Marc: "Many."
3 - How did Lights That Change begin?
Lisa: "Have worked with Marc in lots of things in the past and then suddenly he shows me the beautiful sounds that were Lights That Change and I started writing lyrics and working out melodies...the rest, as they say, is history!"
Marc: "As a solo project but really became LTC when I got Lisa involved."
4 - Where did the name Lights That Change come from?
Lisa: "Umm, Marc! Err..."
Marc: "Top of my head."
5 - How would you describe the sound of Lights That Change?
Lisa: "Ethereal, prettiful, retro, yet very now!"
Marc: "Music from another world, dream pop."
6 - You released your self-titled EP earlier this year. What influenced the three songs featured on this?
Lisa: "So many things influence my writing.
I've lived a very interesting life and never seem to run out of stuff I want to express. I love complex relationships and digging a bit too deep for comfort!"
Marc: "My guitar rig, a lot of shoegaze and dream pop bands I have always been into, Boo Radleys, My Bloody Valentine, The Cure, David Bowie, Marc Bolan, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Andy Summers and Cocteau Twins."
7 - You have more recently released a single called ‘Beautiful Soul’. What is this song about?
Marc: "Ask Lisa!"
Lisa: "'Beautiful Soul' began with me thinking about how amazing my kids are and how wonderful it is to still be so innocent and so untouched by the world out there - unlike me I guess..."
8 - Do you have any 'rituals' before you go on stage?
Lisa: "I get terribly nervous so I'm an OCD nightmare on gig days. It's best you don't know!"
Marc: "Sleep!"
9 - Any live dates coming up?
Lisa: "Some things in the pipeline but nothing I can confirm today - I'm playing solo in Soho tonight though."
Marc: "Some things in the pipeline!"
10 - Any new songs in the pipeline?
Lisa: "Lots! One I only finished the lyrics for yesterday simply refuses to leave my head!"
Marc: "Loads and loads!"
11 - When can fans be expecting the next release?
Lisa: "Very soon I think...hehe! Am I being a tease?"
Marc: "Very soon."
12 - Who would be your dream collaboration?
Lisa: "Rickie Lee Jones - without a doubt! I love her voice, her words, the fluidity of her melodies...she rocks!"
Marc: "I don't like collaborating, it's a word that's been to overused these days in music and is loosing meaning!"
13 - Who would be in your dream supergroup?
Lisa: "Rickie Lee Jones, Joni Mitchell, James Taylor, John Lennon, and the entire group of musicians from Rickie Lee Jones' 'Pirates' album!"
Marc: "I have never thought about super groups only super choc bars!"
1 - Favourite Beatle?
Lisa: "Lennon."
Marc: "Lennon."
2 - Favourite band?
Lisa: "The Beatles. Picking one isn't fair though!"
Marc: "David Bowie, but he's not a band I know!"
3 - Favourite new band?
Lisa: "Kassassin Street."
Marc: "Golden Fable or Seazoo. The Joy Formidable, too many to mention."
4 - Favourite song?
Lisa: "We Belong Together, Rickie Lee Jones."
Marc: "Bewlay Brothers, David Bowie."
5 - Favourite album?
Lisa: "Rickie Lee Jones."
Marc: "Hunky Dory."
6 - Vinyl, CD or download?
Lisa: "I love vinyl, but for practicality CD's - I still like something I can hold in my hand."
Marc: "Vinyl all the way."
7 - Style icon?
Lisa: "Umm, I kind of have my own style - I love classic 'hippy' vibes though - people like Bowie always used to make me stop in tracks visually - I love that."
Marc: "None."
8 - Favourite clothing brand?
Lisa: "Scrapunzel."
Marc: "Banana fruit man."
9 - Favourite film?
Lisa: "Cher."
Marc: "Trouble with my big right toe! Not made yet."
10 - Favourite TV show?
Lisa: "Casualty/Holby."
Marc: "Brian May's Dogs! Channel 4, Casualty!
11 - Who would play you in a film of your life?
Lisa: "Winona Ryder."
Marc: "Christopher Walken."
12 - Favourite food?
Lisa: "A good vegetarian curry - preferably with chick peas and spinach!"
Marc: "Fish and chocolate!"
13 - Football team?
Lisa: "Knaphill Vultures."
Marc: "Monty Python 5 a side."
Hope you enjoyed this feature on Lights That Change! Check out our previous feature on Hunt The Rebel!
Check out Lights That Change here - https://www.facebook.com/LightsThatChange
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