1 - What is your earliest musical memory and what pushed you towards perusing a career in the music business?
Lizzy: "I
used to sing in primary school in front of everyone. Same goes for high
school...and the whole entertaining part I've gained my inspiration
from going to gigs, seeing other bands performing live and at one point I
just thought 'this is what I want to do'. I've also been involved in
drama activities, and the two combined just works! I'm more of an
'entertainer' than someone just sat behind a desk or till."
Christie: "I just sang all the time! Nothing
official, just shower singing really! I never saw myself pursuing it
until Lizzy kindly invited me to join."
2 - Had you been involved in any other bands or musical ventures before Hunt the Rebel?
"I wouldn't exactly have called it a band, it was me and two friends that
would meet up in a room with instruments, not learn anything, not write
anything and didn't even name the band...I never had high hopes if I'm honest."
Mark: "I was playing bass for a band called The Hoplites about a year ago, they're still going strong now with a few line up changes. The main reason I chose to move on from that was that the music we were playing wasn't really what I was wanting to do."
3 - How did Hunt the Rebel begin?
Jordan: "I came along when the band had already been together so I have no clue
at all!"
Mark: "It was quite a weird one really, if you trace it right back, Lizzy put a post on facebook asking about forming a band and I jumped at that. Then one day in college a teacher mentioned the idea in relation to a talent show, few line up changes and additions down the line and here we are!"
4 - Where did the name Hunt the Rebel come from?
Connor: "We needed a name and we went through so many possibilities and we decided this worked best."
"I was just experimenting with names, I guess. I like the whole HTR thing, I could just picture it on a T-shirt in all fancy writing as a logo."
5 - How would you describe the sound of Hunt the Rebel?
Andy: "I'd say we were alternative rock, very vague I know but I can't go into anymore detail until I hear more from us."
Christie: "Black progressive vegan lounge core. (Long story)."
6 - Do you have any 'rituals' before you go on stage?
Jordan: "Personally I'd just try not to s**t myself."
Connor: "We haven't played yet but I'm sure there will be some!"
7 - Any live dates coming up?
Christie: "A couple of shindigs at the ol' youth club in the next couple of months!"
Andy: "No fixed dates yet, but a strong possibility of a gig or two in two to three months with a bit of luck."
8 - Any new songs in the pipeline?
Lizzy: "Indeed we do. One in particular, called 'Watch You Fall'. So far, so good."
Mark: "Indeed, that song is pretty much finished now. We have lots of ideas waiting to be used also so hopefully we'll start pumping out quite a few tracks soon."
9 - When can fans expect the next official release?
Andy: "Rumour has it we'll have an EP out in hopefully three to four months, just rumours of course."
Connor: "Probably not for a while yet, I'm afraid."
10 - Who would be your dream collaboration?
Mark: "Ah, I don't know, it depends on what route our music takes I guess - it'd have to be between Paramore and Bullet For My Valentine."
Christie: "Funeral For A Friend. They are amazing."
11 - Who would be in your dream super group?
Jordan: "Wow, Alan Ashby, Oli Sykes, Tony Perry, Sam Bettley and obviously
Lizzy: "Wow,
erm...mixture of Hayley Williams of Paramore, and Linkin Parks' Chester
Bennington. Both Bands just would be amazing to jigsaw together,
providing both vocalists remain the same."
1 - Favourite Beatle?
Connor: "Paul McCartney."
Christie: "Paul McCartney."
Mark: "John Lennon, any day."
Jordan: "The dung beetle...I joke, John Lennon all the way!"
Andy: "Ringo!"
Lizzy: "Paul McCartney."
2 - Favourite band?
Connor: "Slipknot."
Christie: "Framing Hanley."
Mark: "Paramore."
Jordan: "Asking Alexandria!"
Andy: "Radiohead."
Lizzy: "Enter Shikari."
3 - Favourite new band?
Connor: "Define new? Answer question with question, nice move Connor."
Christie: "Deaf Havana."
Mark: "...Mallory Knox OR While She Sleeps."
Jordan: "I don't really listen to many 'new' bands at the minute."
Andy: "Bullet For My Valentine, if that counts!"
Lizzy: "Deaf Havana."
4 - Favourite song?
Connor: "Before I Forget - Slipknot."
Christie: "Lollipop - Framing Hanley."
Mark: "Renegade - Paramore."
Jordan: "Legacy - Memphis May Fire."
Andy: "The Poison - Bullet For My Valentine."
Lizzy: "Soulmates - Placebo."
5 - Favourite album?
Connor: "Slipknot - Iowa. I've got a feeling that Connor likes Slipknot...just a little."
Christie: "Framing Hanley - The Moment."
Mark: "Going to avoid the obvious favourite band ones here, Trivium - Ascendency."
Jordan: "Asking Alexandria - Reckless & Relentless."
Andy: "Radiohead - In Rainbows."
Lizzy: "Enter Shikari - Take To The Skies."
6 - Vinyl, CD or download?
Connor: "Download."
Christie: "Vinyl!"
Mark: "CD or vinyl."
Jordan: "Download."
Andy: "Download."
Lizzy: "Download."
7 - Style icon?
Connor: "Don't really have one."
Christie: "Avril Lavigne or Kat Von D."
Mark: "None in particular, Serge Pizzorno is pretty cool though."
Jordan: "Matty Mullins."
Andy: "I don't really have one."
Lizzy: "Amy Lee or Hayley Williams."
8 - Favourite clothing brand?
Connor: "River Island."
Christie: "Banned."
Mark: "Topman, I guess."
Jordan: "Band merch."
Andy: "If I like it, I wear it!"
Lizzy: "Drop Dead or Criminal Damage."
9 - Favourite film?
Connor: "Dark Knight Rises."
Christie: "Pirates Of The Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest."
Mark: "Lord Of The Rings, any of the three!"
Jordan: "In Brogue."
Andy: "Pan's Labyrinth."
Lizzy: "The Hunger Games."
10 - Favourite TV show?
Connor: "Big Bang Theory."
Christie: "LA Ink."
Mark: "I really don't watch TV much, but I'll swear by Family Guy."
Jordan: "How I Met Your Mother."
Andy: "Game Of Thrones."
Lizzy: "Game Of Thrones."
11 - Who would play you in a film of your life?
Connor: "Jack Black."
Christie: "Drew Barrymore."
Mark: "Kristen Stewart."
Jordan: "Jason Bourne!"
Andy: "Judy Dench..."
Lizzy: "Ellen Page."
12 - Favourite food?
Connor: "Pizza."
Christie: "Pizza, one hundred per cent."
Mark: "Pasta."
Jordan: "FRENCH. SOUP."
Andy: "Pizza."
Lizzy: "Pizza."
13 - Football team?
Connor: "Liverpool FC."
Christie: "Liverpool."
Mark: "Liverpool, born and bred!"
Jordan: "I despise football with a passion."
Andy: "Don't really follow football but, Liverpool."
Lizzy: "Liverpool."
Hope you enjoyed this feature on Hunt The Rebel! Check out our previous feature on Mamas Lips!
Check out Hunt The Rebel here - https://www.facebook.com/HuntTheRebel?directed_target_id=0
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