1 - What was your earliest musical memory and what pushed you towards pursuing a career in the music industry?
"Not too bothered about a job in any 'industry', sounds a bit like screwing widgets into Watsits all day - but music is what is at the centre of everything: where did that come from? Well dad was in a band (Fergie's Toes - 'nuff said) so maybe it's in the genes."
2 - Had you been involved in any other band prior to Erica?
"Erica came out of The Envy - a band that I put together when I was thirteen: Jason (bass) has been there from the get go. Erica is eighteen months old. The Envy were a no frills '1,2,3' head down and let's see if we can all finish the song at more or less the same time, type of outfit - we think we have improved..."
3 - How did Erica begin?
"School. Silly Haircuts. Girls."
4 - Where did the name Erica come from?
"It means 'storyteller' but doesn't give anything away as to what kind of a noise we make: You can't pigeon hole us too easily: You know, Motorhead, Slayer, Rancid, Jessie J, 1 Direction...too many clues man!"
5 - How would you describe the sound of Erica?
"Melodic prog with a large pair."
6 - You originally started as ‘The Envy’. Why did you choose to change your name to Erica?
"There is actually a band in Canada called The Envy, who have some traction on the scene - our manager advised us that further down the line we didn't need the fight: he used to tour-manage 'CNN' who got bogged down in all that political shite..."
7 - Your debut EP is entitled ‘Empathy’. Why did you choose this title for the EP?
"It is the song that seems to bring our live shows to life - it wrote itself - despite which, I will be collecting all royalties."
8 - The title track is a great modern rock and roll song. What influenced this and what is this song about?
"Thank you for saying so - it's about love in a time of little hope."
9 - Do you have any 'rituals' before you go on stage?
"Not yet!"
10 - Any live dates coming up?
"We're in the studio at the moment finishing what will be our first full length work - 'Sons of the High Land', launching that at The Frog & Fiddle in Cheltenham on December 6th, then something in London with 'Rewild' and a New Years 'happening' at our rehearsal space which is in the middle of nowhere and is a perfect late night juke-joint. Alan McGee has asked us to come and play at one of his 359 club nights in Liverpool, so watch this space."
11 - Any new songs in the pipeline?
"Yes, as above, we're in Monnow Valley Studios at the moment."
12 - When can fans be expecting the next release?
"December 6th: but the conversation with Alan McGee, if it goes well may have some bearing on that."
13 - Who would be your dream collaboration?
"Page and Plant."
14 - Who would be in your dream supergroup?
"We are very much hoping to write that particular story ourselves."
1 - Favourite Beatle?
2 - Favourite band?
"Led Zeppelin."
3 - Favourite new band?
4 - Favourite song?
"Vision Thing: The Sisters Of Mercy."
5 - Favourite album?
"Physical Graffiti."
6 - Vinyl, CD or download?
"Oh man - vinyl. Tactile, Artwork, Analogue..."
7 - Style icon?
"Keith '73. 'Your rules don't apply to me'."
8 - Favourite clothing brand?
"Primani. We're the downtrodden poor."
9 - Favourite film?
"Beware Mr Baker."
10 - Favourite TV show?
"Goggle Box."
11 - Who would play you in a film of your life?
"John Lennon McCulloch."
12 - Favourite food?
"Nando's - with an ice cold Estrella. Thank you."
13 - Football team?
"The Sun Inn: keepin' it roots."
Hope you enjoyed this feature on Erica! Check out our previous feature on Darling BOY!
Check out Erica here - http://www.ericaband.co.uk/
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