1 - What was your first musical memory and what pushed you towards pursuing a career in the record industry?
"I always remember seeing Adam Ant on TV when I was really young, maybe two or three years old and being mesmerised. I loved the colour and the theatrics of the videos combined with the music. My aunt who was only a few years older than me used to dress me up as Adam Ant so I guess music was always to be my fate! Music is the only thing I've ever been properly proud of and passionate about. It's just in your blood."
2 - Had you been involved with any other bands prior to becoming a solo artist as Nicky McCallan?
"I've always fronted bands since I was sixteen. Me, my cousin Richie and our mate Gerry had a band called God Talking Soul many moons ago. We released a few EPs which I'm still proud of. My brother played with us too later on. Great memories."
3 - After years of fronting bands why did you choose to become a solo artist instead of forming another band?
"I love the idea of just me and my guitar. Sitting in a room writing or just heading off to a gig with the guitar on my back, plugging in and away I go. I'm more comfortable in myself these days and happier with how I write and perform on my own."
4 - How would you describe the sound of Nicky McCallan?
"Honest, raw, simple and without any pretentious bollocks. You know what I'm singing about. No poetry or riddles here."
5 - You are about to record your debut solo album. Will you take a different approach to this than anything you might have recorded with a band in the past?
"I didn't write a song for about six years before this as I'd lost the heart for it. I moved to Manchester from Ireland in 2012 and whether it was the new environment or the ale I suddenly started writing again and haven't stopped!"
6 - What can we be expecting from this album?
"Five songs that I have total faith in and that I would defend to the hilt. Love, happiness, sadness, friends, family and living a good life are the lifeblood of this EP."
7 - Do you have any 'rituals' before going on stage?
"Not as such although I do have a 2012 Olympics wrist band that I got last year on the same day I wrote my first song in six years so I like to think it might be a wee luck charm."
8 - Any live dates coming up?
"Lots! Too many to mention so please check my twitter and facebook pages for updates."
9 - Any new songs in the pipeline?
"I've just written my first Christmas song called 'Everybody is Home' which given the fact I was born on Chrsitmas Eve is kind of expected! Have another one called 'Heart the Size of a Fist' that I think is the best thing I've written yet. Will be playing it live soon."
10 - When can fans be expecting the next release?
"I want to let this EP, 'Hear On Earth', do the rounds for a while and see what response I get. Me and my producer Niall Doherty are planning a full album for release possibly summer/autumn 2014 if all goes well. He's amazing to work with and really brings the best out of me. If he wasn't with woman and child I think we may get married!"
11 - Who would be your dream collaboration?
"God, I'd love to work with Jimi Goodwin from Doves or Nick McCabe from the Verve. Maybe the Roses in their rehearsal room too if Brown fancied a rest!"
12 - Who would be in your dream super group?
"Reni on drums, Nick McCabe on guitar, Peter Hook on bass and me on guitar and vocals!"
1 - Favourite Beatle?
2 - Favourite band?
"Stone Roses."
3 - Favourite new band?
"Those Ghosts."
4 - Favourite song?
"Bittersweet Symphony."
5 - Favourite album?
"Stone Roses."
6 - Vinyl, CD or download?
"Vinyl. Listening to Revolver on CD just isn't the same."
7 - Style icon?
"Pfft, I've been wearing the same stuff for twenty years so I can't talk, however, I do like the coat I saw Paul Heaton wearing in the shop on Burton Road at the weekend."
8 - Favourite clothing brand?
"Pretty Green."
9 - Favourite film?
"Jaws. Perfection of a film."
10 - Favourite TV show?
"QI, but my all time show? The Incredible Hulk."
11 - Who would play you in a film of your life?
"I said years ago (when I had a full head of hair) Andrew McCarthy so I'll stick with him."
12 - Favourite food?
"Pickled onion monster munch."
13 - Football team?
"Blackburn Rovers."
Hope you enjoyed this feature on Nicky McCallan! Check out our previous feature on Erica!
Check out Nicky McCallan here -
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