1 - Had you been involved with any other bands prior to The Impendium?
"For all of us this is our first band, we had talked about doing something before but had never acted upon this feeling. Zak and Lewis both took part in ensembles at school, such as salsa band. Alex, a grade 7 trumpet player, played in jazz and concert bands. Harry played for his church on occasions, including the fuse festival, in Lichfield! Chris takes part in school shows, he recently played a leading role in a production at the local secondary school!"
2 - How did The Impendium begin?
"Originally Zak and Lewis, the drummer and guitarist started the band with Henry, another guitarist, Lewis at this point played the bass. Henry brought a singer to the band, Chris, who is our frontman. We remained undecided on a name at this point, so remained anonymous. Eventually we found a bass player, Alex, traditionally a trumpet player who strived to do more, and wanted to be in a band, he took it upon himself to learn to play the bass for the band, which he took to naturally. At this point Lewis replaced Henry as the guitarist as at the time we only needed one, we were only playing covers but we soon wanted to go on to do more, so we enlisted Harry, the other guitarist in the band."
3 - Where did the name The Impendium come from?
"Originally we were called Threshold however, a bigger more successful band of the same name soon cropped up and advised us to change, so we set to work. We wanted a word that sounded cool, so Latin seemed a good place to start, and it was where we found the name, after a vote between Imperium and Impendium, the name was chosen!"
4 - How would you describe the sound of The Impendium?
"We consider ourselves to be an alternative rock band, taking inspiration from the Arctic Monkeys, although we do have one song "We Gotta Pull Out" which is heavily influenced by Rage Against The Machine. So we are very keen to try other styles of music, but we will be mainly writing as an alternative band."
5 - 'Emilee' is one of your finest songs to date. What is the song itself about?
"Emilee is a song about the singer Chris' friend Emilee Br, and he was skyping her one day (as she lives in the US), and he started jamming on my guitar, just improvising words, and then the song came about. He played it to the rest of us and we liked it."
6 - Who would be your dream collaboration?
"As we are all fans, and so are influenced by them, we would definitely love the opportunity to work with The Arctic Monkeys, we all think that a great tune could come out of the two groups."
7 - Any new songs in the pipeline?
"We are always jamming new ideas, so definitely yes, although there are tens of ideas, we have three songs on the way, hopefully to be played by the end of October, once mastered of course."
8 - When can fans be expecting a new single, EP or album?
"At the moment we are writing strong tracks to go on an EP, this is our target for the end of the year at the very latest. Although in reality as soon as possible is our target, but as we see it, better to have a solid EP that we all love that takes time, than rush it."
9 - Any live dates coming up?
"None on the horizon, although we are often invited to play in and around Lichfield, unfortunately they are often short notice, but fans can always check the Facebook page for dates!"
10 - Who would be in your dream super group?
On the Bass it would have to be the Red Hot Chilli Peppers phenomenon Flea, with the Foo Fighters' Taylor Hawkins on the Drums. Hendrix could be the ultimate solo legend, backed up by Dave Grohl from Foo Fighters, and Matt Bellamy both on guitars and singing. That could be the ultimate sound, that unfortunately could never grace out ears.
Zak, Drums
Chris, Frontman
Harry, Guitar
Alex, Bass
Lewis, Guitar
1 - Favourite Beatle?
Zak - "Ringo Starr."
Chris - "Lennon."
Harry - "Lennon."
Alex - "McCartney."
Lewis - "Lennon."
2 - Favourite band?
Zak - "Jamiroquai, Muse or Arctic Monkeys."
Chris - "Peace."
Harry - "Foo Fighters."
Alex - "It varies."
Lewis - "Muse."
3 - Favourite new band?
Zak - "Bastille."
Chris - "Peace."
Harry - "Bastille."
Alex - "Likes it all!"
Lewis - "Foals."
4 - Favourite song?
Zak - "R U Mine?"
Chris - "Lovesick."
Harry - "Everlong."
Alex - "Everlong."
Lewis - "Whereabouts Unknown."
5 - Favourite album?
Zak - "Jamiroquai - High Times."
Chris - "The Skints - Parts and Parcel."
Harry - "Foo Fighters - Wasting Light."
Alex - "To much choice!"
Lewis - "Muse - Blackholes and Revelations."
6 - Vinyl, CD or download?
Zak - "Download."
Chris - "Vinyl."
Harry - "Download."
Alex - "Vinyl."
Lewis - "CD."
7 - Style icon?
Zak - "Robin Thicke."
Chris - "David Bowie."
Harry - "Dave Grohl."
Alex - "Flea!"
Lewis - "Matt Bellamy."
8 - Favourite clothing brand?
Zak - "River Island."
Chris - "No brands for me."
Harry - "Fred Perry."
Alex - "Choose on looks, not brand!"
Lewis - "Hollister."
9 - Favourite film?
Zak - "Anchorman."
Chris - "Pulp Fiction."
Harry - "300."
Alex - "I love films, most of them!"
Lewis - "Jurassic Park."
10 - Favourite TV show?
Zak - "Top Gear."
Chris - "Breaking Bad."
Harry - "Top Gear."
Alex - "Family Guy."
Lewis - "Mock the Week."
11 - Who would play you in a film of your life?
Zak - "Robin Thicke, in his first film appearance!"
Chris - "Andrew Garfield."
Harry - "Zac Efron."
Alex - "I can act!"
Lewis - "Gerard Butler."
12 - Favourite food?
Zak - "Pepperoni Pizza."
Chris - "Pizza."
Harry - "Pizza."
Alex - "Steak and Peppercorn sauce."
Lewis - "Garlic Bread."
13 - Football team?
Zak - "Manchester United."
Chris - "West Bromich Albion."
Harry - "Manchester United."
Alex - "Aston Villa."
Lewis - "Hull City."
Hope you enjoyed this feature on The Impedium! Check out our previous feature on The Tin Pigeons!
Watch "Emilee" here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmlNAE1PSeI
You can also like our Facebook page to keep up to date with all future interviews at the following link - https://www.facebook.com/aldorabritainrecords
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