1 - What was your earliest musical memory and what inspired you towards pursuing a career in music?
Leon: "I'm not sure what my earliest musical memory is but I remember the first time I heard AC/DC, my friend played me Back In Black and Highway To Hell and I just ended up listening to them over and over."
Connor: "I think my earliest musical memory must have been watching Rush's Live In Rio DVD (my dad's a big fan) and just thinking that Neil Peart must be from a different planet, I was really blown away by his playing and that was way before I ever sat behind a kit! In terms of inspiration for a career in music, it was really the fact that there was nothing else that ever compared. It had to be music for me."
2 - Had you been involved with any other bands prior to Two-Bit Sister?
Leon: "I was in a band called Yesterday's Jam (named after the first episode of the IT Crowd), it wasn't that serious, we ended up switching a few members around and Connor joined on drums. We changed the name around then to Smiling Frank."
3 - How did Two-Bit Sister begin?
Connor: "When Smiling Frank ended, me and Lion had a few songs we'd written together, so forming our own band seemed the right thing to do."
4 - Where did the name Two-Bit Sister come from?
Leon: "In Wes Anderson's film 'The Royal Tenenbaums' there's a line 'and no damn two-bit, chartered accountant is going to change that', I was watching the film one day while we were trying to think of a band name and I decided I liked the idea of two-bit something, and we eventually decided on sister."
5 - How would you describe the sound of Two-Bit Sister?
Connor: "Difficult to pin down for us at the moment I think, we just like to call it rock but there's all sorts of influences in the mix."
6 - Who would be your dream collaboration?
Leon: "John Paul Jones or Dave Grohl would be awesome."
Connor: "That would be a tough combo to beat, I wouldn't say no to Josh Homme or Corey Taylor either though..."
7 - Any new songs in the pipeline?
Connor: "There always tends to be new songs coming along at any one time with us, just how we are."
8 - When can fans be expecting a new single, EP or album?
Connor: "We're hoping to record our debut EP in October so stay posted!
9 - Any live dates coming up?
Leon: "We're looking forward to supporting Gang in Margate on September 20th, great band."
10 - Who would be in your dream supergroup?
Leon: "Dave Grohl, John Paul Jones, Alex Turner and Jeff Magnum."
Connor: "Travis Barker, Simon Neil, Matt Freeman and Chris Shiflett."
1 - Favourite Beatle?
Leon: "Paul."
Connor: "George for me."
2 - Favourite band?
Leon: "Led Zeppelin."
Connor: "Impossible question."
3 - Favourite new band?
Leon: "Two Gallants, if that counts as new?"
Connor: "Menzingers."
4 - Favourite song?
Leon: "Since I've Been Loving You by Led Zeppelin."
Connor: "Everlong."
5 - Favourite album?
Leon: "Pink Moon by Nick Drake."
Connor: "Deja Entendu by Brand New."
6 - Vinyl, CD or download?
Leon: "Vinyl."
Connor: "Same, both developing our own collections!"
7 - Style icon?
Leon: "Jack White."
Connor: "Alex Turner."
8 - Favourite clothing brand?
Leon: "Anything that looks cool."
Connor: "Same."
9 - Favourite film?
Leon: "Rushmore."
Connor: "The Spongebob Squarepants movie, can't beat it."
10 - Favourite TV show?
Leon: "It's currently New Girl, but of all time probably The Mighty Boosh or The IT Crowd."
Connor: "Solid choices, but House for me probably."
11 - Who would play you in a film of your life?
Leon: "I think probably Michael Cera."
Connor: "He so would! Hmm, Adrien Brody?"
12 - Favourite food?
Leon: "Chinese."
Connor: "Agreed."
13 - Football team?
Leon: "Manchester United."
Connor: "Arsenal."
Hope you enjoyed this feature on Two-Bit Sister! Check out our previous feature on Chase The Enemy!
Check out Two-Bit Sister here - https://www.facebook.com/TwoBitSister
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