1 - Had you been involved with any other bands prior to Enemies Of The State?
Garry - "A few. Innocents Civilian, Social Schism, Genuine Fake Watches."
Kris - "I had been doing a solo thing with Garry and a couple of the other lads."
2 - How did Enemies Of The State begin?
Kris - "It started with my solo thing. I took a long break from writing and playing and during that break I decided I couldn't be arsed singing the same songs every other band was singing. "My burd broke up with me", "I'm skint", that kinda thing. I wanted the music to have an identity and a positive message and thought it'd be easier to do that as a band rather than just a singer and his band. Bit like Bruce Wayne turning into Batman."
Garry - "I annoyed Kris to play drums and he said "aye". Joe joined after he was in Innocents Civilian, and Sean was to join after our last guitarist, Jamie, had to leave 'cause he was at Uni down South."
3 - Where did the name Enemies Of The State come from?
Kris - "It pretty much came from the film to be honest. I thought it was a fitting name for us. If you listen to the lyrics of our songs you'll understand why."
4 - How would you describe the sound of Enemies Of The State?
Garry - "Positive, warming, energetic, anthemic."
Kris - "An orgasm in your ears. Followed by a cuddle and a fag."
5 - You've played live in many venues so far in your career and one of these was King Tuts in Glasgow. This is a legendary venue and something that Scottish bands dream about doing. How did it feel playing a set there?
Garry - "Very hot and sweaty but a great experience. The crowd were amazing that night."
Kris - "There's a bit of magic in the air at Tuts. It's strange. It's one of those ones that you want to cross off your list if you're in a band."
6 - The latest song to be released on your soundcloud page is 'No Time For Tears' - a catchy pop song. What is the song itself about and what influenced it?
Kris - "It came from a Dr. Bruce Lipton talk about the evolution of the butterfly. Basically, the way to look at Earth is as a living entity, much like the human body. When the cells in the human body stop working we become sick or die. We are the cells in the body of Earth and if all we can do is fuck each other over, fight each other and kill each other, then we're making the planet unwell. There's some other references there but that's basically it."
7 - Who would be your dream collaboration?
Kris - "Liv Tyler, for non musical reasons."
8 - Any new songs in the pipeline?
Kris - "I always try and write songs. Its hard to keep the momentum going sometimes but aye, there's one or two in the pipeline right now."
9 - When can fans be expecting a new single, EP or album?
Garry - "Probably round October. It's going to be called Open Your Eyes."
Kris - "We could probably release it now but we'd rather have a handful of songs to choose from."
10 - Any live dates coming up?
Garry - "Just a few set in stone. O2 Academy - 21st September
Broadcast (supporting Coasts) - 18th October."
Kris - "We've two in pipeline the now which will be November and then a big one in December to finish a good year for us. Nothing we can confirm yet though."
11 - Who would be in your dream super group?
Garry - "Freddie Mercury - vocals, Slash - lead guitar, Flea - bass guitar and Kurt Cobain - rhythm guitar."
Kris - "Enemies of the State."
1 - Favourite Beatle?
Garry - "Lennon."
Kris - "Yoko Ono."
2 - Favourite band?
Garry - "Nirvana."
Kris - "Right now, Queens of the Stone Age."
3 - Favourite new band?
Garry - "Hurts."
Kris - "Tempt Fate."
4 - Favourite song?
Garry - "Those Were The Days of Our Lives by Queen."
Kris - "Dylan, Forever Young."
5 - Favourite album?
Kris - "Actung Baby"
6 - Vinyl, CD or download?
Kris - "Download. Don't have much of a choice nowadays."
7 - Style icon?
Kris - "Bill Cosby."
8 - Favourite clothing brand?
Garry - "Vans."
Kris - "If it keeps me warm, that'll do for me."
9 - Favourite film?
Garry - "Liar Liar."
Kris - "Pans Labyrinth."
10 - Favourite TV show?
Garry - "Breaking Bad."
Kris - "Game of Thrones."
11 - Who would play you in a film of your life?
Kris - "Danny Glover."
12 - Favourite food?
Garry - "Steak. Medium rare."
Kris - "Same. Any man food actually."
13 - Football team?
Garry - "Glasgow Celtic."
Kris - "The Hurricanes. Remember them?"
Hope you enjoyed this feature on Enemies Of The State! Check out our previous feature on Blackjack!
Listen to Enemies Of The State here - https://soundcloud.com/enemiesofthestate
You can also like our Facebook page to keep up to date with all future interviews at the following link - https://www.facebook.com/aldorabritainrecords
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