Part 1 - The 'INTERVIEW'
1 - Had you been involved with bands prior to The DuBarrys?
Rax: "Yeah, Dylan and I were in a function band together back in Bournemouth before we moved to Brighton."
Chich: "Yeah I was in a band with my mate from back home in Hampshire."
Alex: "I used to be in a punk/rock band in Belgium."
2 - How did The DuBarrys begin?
"King Mansions in Brighton on the seafront is where it all started. Alex, Chich and Rax moved into the same flat before attending the same university. We had a few jams then decided to take it to the next step. We had difficult finding a permanent drummer until after a year and a half we settled on our main man Dylan."
3 - Where did the name The DuBarrys come from?
"Because we love Blueberry's and it sounds the same."
4 - How would you describe the sound of The DuBarrys?
"This is a hard one for us as we personally think our music expands to a few different genres, but we have been compared to Local Natives, Two Door Cinema Club and a few elements from The Strokes."
5 - 'Valencia', one of the best tracks on your latest EP, is a great song with a high energy chorus. What is the song itself about?
"It started whilst being over in Spain (hence the name). The deeper meaning of it relates to the evolution of social media and how high corporations try to run everything and make us believe everything we see on TV."
6 - You've played high profile gigs in Spain and at the Isle of Wight Festival this summer. Is this something of a dream come true getting this recognition fairly early in your career?
"Yeah it's pretty sweet, things can only progress from here, hopefully bigger stages to come."
7 - Any new songs in the pipeline?
"Yeah, our second visit to Spain involved us spending two days in Rockaway Studios and came out with two new tracks called 'How Bad Do You Want It' and 'Migration'.
8 - When can fans expect the next EP/single?
"No official release date set as of yet due to planning of a music video, but hard copies are available at our shows."
9 - Any live dates coming up?
"5th October at The Hope and 25th October at AltFreshers."
10 - Who would be in your dream super group (dead or alive)
"We would have John Lennon on vocals, Lindsey Buckingham on guitar, Kevin Parker on bass and Bernard Purdie on drums."
1 - Favourite Beatle?
"John Lennon."
2 - Favourite band?
"That's a tough one! Here's a few: OutKast, The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Fleetwood Mac."
3 - Favourite new band?
"Tame Impala, Haim, Unknown Mortal Orchestra."
4 - Favourite song?
"'Prototype' by OutKast! We heard that song so much while over in Spain gigging, it's become a favourite."
5 - Favourite album?
"Tame Impala - Lonerism."
6 - Vinyl, CD or download?
"CD's, if we had the money then vinyl!"
7 - Style icon?
"Wear what you want to wear."
8 - Favourite clothing brand?
"We don't have one."
9 - Favourite film?
Rax: "Boyz n the Hood, Ice Cube, he's a dude."
Alex: "Shawshank Redemption."
Chick: "Animal Kingdom."
Dylan: "2001."
10 - Favourite TV show?
Alex: "Friends."
Chich: "Californication."
Rax: "South Park."
Dylan: "Anything with Louis Theroux."
11 - Who would you like to play you in a film of your life?
Rax: "Robert de Nero."
Chich: "Heath Ledger (if he was still alive)."
Alex: "Tom Hanks."
Dylan: "Morgan Freeman."
12 - Favourite food?
Alex: "Steak frites."
Chich: "Sushi."
Rax: "Pizza."
Dylan: "I'll eat anything."
13 - Football team?
Chich: "Arsenal."
Rax: "Man United."
Chich: "Whenever they clash, things get tense between us!"
Hope you enjoyed this feature on The DuBarrys! Check out our previous feature on The Shires!
The DuBarry's new EP is available here - http://thedubarrys.bandcamp.com/
You can also like our Facebook page to keep up to date with all future interviews at the following link - https://www.facebook.com/aldorabritainrecords
AB Records
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