1 - Had you been in/experimented with any bands before Decoy Jet?
Yeah, we've all been involved in bands for a while. Some really bad ones too! Alan and Connor have been playing together for years and with Zac they had a whole band apart from a frontman. They'd known me from my previous band and asked me to join.
2 - How did Decoy Jet begin?
I was doing a lot of solo acoustic gigs and was writing songs that only really worked for a full band so didn't work acoustically. So when the others came up to me with a full band ready to go I jumped at the chance.
3 - How would you describe your sound?
A distinctive British sound. Indie tinged rock and roll with a groove that gives you no choice
but to move with it. Think 60's rock and roll mixed with 90's post-punk.
4 - You're a fairly young band but you already count Carl Barat among your fan base. How does it feel to have acclaim from such a big name in the music business?
Still a bit surreal for me, considering The Libertines were one of the main reasons I wanted to be in a band. Really great that people like that still support new music, at the end of the day they're music fans just like us. It does help give us a bit more credibility swell but we'd prefer to let the tunes do the talking.
5 - Your debut song 'Action Reaction' has quite a 90's/Oasis/Britpop feel to it. Is this the direction you always wanted to go with Decoy Jet or was it something that came about with practice?
That just came from the vibe of the song when I wrote it, brought it to the others and that's how that came out. We'd like to think we have a variety of different songs, we pride ourselves on no two of our songs sounding the same. Will be interesting to see how the next single is received considering it's got a different vibe!
6 - Who would be your dream collaboration and who would you most want to write with?
Johnny fuckin' Marr! I've loved everything he's been involved with. When he joined The Cribs for Ignore The Ignorant that just took them up another level for me. I'm sure he'd do the same with us with his eyes closed.
7 - Any new songs in the pipeline and are there any new singles or EP's planned to be released?
Next single out in the very near future.
8 - Any live dates coming up?
Just come off the back of an extensive load of shows in July so we got a few little ones to keep us going and will have a new list of dates to post within the next couple of weeks. Looking into coming up to Scotland at the end of this month, then hopefully Sheffield and Norwich shows, while of course playing in London as much as possible.
1 - Favourite band?
This caused some major dispute between us...but there's only one answer really - The Beatles
2 - Favourite new band?
The Sundowners
3 - Favourite song?
The impossible question...All Day And All Of The Night
4 - Favourite album?
Arctic Monkeys debut changed a lot for all of us so I'll be safe and say that, but our list of favourite albums is endless
5 - Vinyl, CD or download?
Black wax
6 - Style icon?
7 - Favourite clothing brand?
Paul Smith, if only I could afford it...
8 - Favourite film?
Pulp Fiction
9 - Favourite TV show?
Mighty Boosh for Connor and I, Game Of Thrones for Alan and Zac
10 - Who would you like to play you in a film of your life?
Samuel L Jackson motherfucker! Just imagine...
11 - Favourite food?
Proper fish shop chips
12 - Football team?
I'm Spurs, Connor's Hammers, Alan's a Gooner and Zac couldn't care less! Derby days are always interesting.
Hope you enjoyed this feature of Decoy Jet! Check out our previous feature on New Street Adventure!
Decoy Jet's latest single 'Action Reaction' can be heard (and downloaded for free) here - https://soundcloud.com/decoyjet
You can also like our Facebook page to keep up to date with all future interviews with bands here - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aldora-Britton-Records/348774015254547
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