1 - Have you been involved with/been in bands prior to Stone Thieves?
Tom: "Yeah, me and Arch played together many moons ago."
Aaron: "Tom and I played together for a few years, could say it's a phoenix from the ashes."
2 - How did Stone Thieves begin?
Tom: "The old band me and Aaron were in went Pete Tong, so we started a new band and we needed a top drummer and Arch was the only person we wanted to get in because he's shit hot. And the rest is history."
Aaron: "The past band had it's reasons for ending, and it all ended on good terms, but Tom and I couldn't see our playing stopping."
3 - Where did the name Stone Thieves come from?
Tom: "Me and Aaron just pulled it out of the air."
Aaron: "It's actually the first lyric in the first song that we wrote together. The track, "Rosalene", is the opening track on our debut EP.
4 - How would you describe the sound of Stone Thieves?
Tom: "Well it's just rock and roll with a bit of influence from the 60's, 70's, bit of Motown, bit of mod and a smidge of country and western".
Aaron: "We've got a broad taste in music between us, and we set out to play anything that we liked in a way, in terms of style. Didn't really plan any sound."
5 - The title of your debut EP is taken from one of the songs - 'New Mexico'. What is this song about?
Aaron: "It's just a story about a boy and a girl with a distance between them. I've never been to New Mexico though! So it's nothing too deep."
6 - Why did you remove the opening track, 'Snake Charmer', from the EP?
Tom: "Because after a few listens, it didn't fit in with the rest of the EP and we've always seen it as more of a B-side."
Aaron: "We don't have a dislike for the track so much, we just feel that in terms of sound, we have moved on a bit. It's slowly dwindled from our live set too, in favour of what we believe are better songs."
7 - You've recently added a second guitarist to your line up. How did this come about and what does he bring to the sound?
Tom: Mike was a mutual friend who played in another band and he asked to join to see what he could bring to the table and after about an hour in rehearsal, he was in. He brings a more bulked up sound, dresses cool and fits in so it was a bit of a no brainer."
8 - You, as a band, have a very mod look about you. Do you consider yourself to be a mod band and has the mod movement influenced your music?
Tom: "No, we don't see ourselves as a mod band but the 60's influenced us more than the mods themselves. The thing is because we are a rock and roll band who like to loop sharp on stage with a bit of style, everybody assumes we are mods."
Aaron: "Let's just say you wouldn't catch us in hoodies and baseball caps on stage!"
Tom: "Or off stage for that matter!"
9 - Who would be your dream collaboration?
Tom: "It's got to either Elvis Presley or John Lennon."
Aaron: "I fancy working with a producer like Rick Ruben. The guy who done Johnny Cash's "American" collection. Like to see what somebody with a different musical background to us could do with our songs!"
10 - Any new songs in the pipeline?
Tom: "Yeah, we've always got songs in the pipeline. All of us have got ideas and bits and bobs that they want to try out."
Aaron: "I've got books of the fuckers! They come and go though."
11 - When can fans expect the next single/EP?
"We're thinking of going into the studio in a couple of months so watch this space."
12 - Any live dates coming up?
"Saturday 31st August at our local. The Horn, St. Albans."
1 - Favourite Beatle?
Tom: "Lennon."
Aaron: "Jagger."
2 - Favourite band?
Tom: "Beatles."
Aaron: "Stones."
3 - Favourite new band?
Tom: "Miles Kane."
Aaron: "James Skelly & The Intenders."
4 - Favourite song?
Tom: "American Trilogy, Elvis."
Aaron: "Outlaw, Eugene McDaniels."
5 - Favourite album?
Tom: "Harvest, Neil Young."
Aaron: "Exile On Main Street."
6 - Vinyl, CD or download?
7 - Style icon?
"Brian Jones, Steve McQueen, Steve Marriott. The usual."
8 - Favourite clothing brand?
"Pretty Green, Art Gallery Clothing."
9 - Favourite film?
"Young Guns."
10 - Favourite TV show?
"Only Fools And Horses."
11 - Who would you like to play you in a film of your life?
Tom: "Anyone, I'm not fussed."
Aaron: "Clint Eastwood."
12 - Favourite food?
Tom: "Pie and mash."
Aaron: "Fish fingers, smiley faces, spaghetti hoops."
13 - Football team?
Tom: "I'm Tottenham, Archie is Fulham and our new recruit is a goner. Aaron couldn't care less."
Hope you enjoyed this feature on Stone Thieves! Check out our previous feature on Ryan Norrie!
You can download Stone Thieves' debut EP for free here - www.reverbnation.com/stonethieves
You can also like our Facebook page to keep up to date with all future interviews at the following link - https://www.facebook.com/aldorabrittonrecords
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