1 - Had you been involved with/been in any bands prior to Mamas Lips?
Yeah, the four of us have been in bands together before Mamas Lips and a couple of other projects separately.
2 - How did Mamas Lips begin?
We were all in a band together and when one member left we decided to change the name and write a whole new set worth of songs.
3 - Where did the name Mamas Lips come from?
It was a name we threw around when a couple of us were in college but we didn't end up using it and we thought it fitted with our music fairly well.
4 - How would you describe the sound of Mamas Lips?
It's a healthy mix of old school blues/R&B with a little bit of soul and country too. Heavily Americana influenced but a little heavier than that.
5 - Your debut EP is called 'Take It Easy'. Why?
We decided that the opening track was the one we wanted to lead with so it felt right to name the debut EP after the leading track.
6 - On your debut EP you achieve a very bluesy sound. Was this always the direction you wanted to go with the band and what is it about the blues that has drawn you towards this sound?
Yeah we wanted the rawness/edge of a live blues band to come across in the recordings. It was very scrappy, mostly 1-2 takes of each instrument. We didn't want to overproduce the sound and not be able to pull it off when we played live, most importantly.
7 - Who would be your dream collaboration?
We're all big fans of sixties soul music so to work with anyone who was in/around that scene at that time would be a privilege.
8 - Any new songs in the pipeline?
We never really stop so I'm sure there will be some new ones in the live set before too long.
9 - Any new singles or EP's that fans can be expecting?
We will be releasing our new single, 'Preacher Lover', on October 11th at the Cellar in Southampton. We had the pleasure of recording it at Abbey Road Studios so we're looking forward to showing people the results.
10 - Any live dates coming up?
The aforementioned on October 11th is our next big local show for the next couple of months, so we're really going to throw ourselves into that.
1 - Favourite band?
Kings Of Leon.
2 - Favourite new band?
Catfish And The Bottlemen are good. Not normally my sort of thing but I caught them live a couple of times and they're fantastic.
3 - Favourite song?
It changes every week but at the moment probably 'Young Americans' by David Bowie.
4 - Favourite album?
'Moondance' by Van Morrison.
5 - Vinyl, CD or download?
I like vinyl but it depends what the kind of music is. Old blues and soul is best for vinyl but if you were listening to something much more modern then it doesn't have the same authenticity, in my opinion.
6 - Style icon?
I don't really have one. Being perfectly honest.
7 - Favourite clothing brand?
I'm not really big into fashion so couldn't say.
8 - Favourite film?
Reservoir Dogs.
9 - Favourite TV show?
The Sopranos/Breaking Bad.
10 - Who would you like to play you in a film of your life?
Jack Black as everyone so graciously compares me to him!
11 - Favourite food?
Mexican all the way.
12 - Football team?
For me, Liverpool FC...only speaking for myself though!
Hope you enjoyed this feature on Mamas Lips! Check out our previous feature on The Harrington Blues!
Mama's Lips new single 'Preacher Lover' will be out on October 11th, for now you can here 'Take It Easy' here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oPVFWarF4Y
You can also like our Facebook page to keep up to date with all future interviews at the following link - https://www.facebook.com/aldorabrittonrecords
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