1 - Have you been involved with any bands prior to The Broxton Hundred?
8 - You supported Folks last year. Folks themselves have already been on a bill with the likes of Noel Gallagher and Miles Kane. How did it feel being asked to support an already well-established act?
10 - Any new songs in the pipeline?
11 - When can fans expect the next EP or single?
"Yeah, we've all played in various bands. Myself and Gaz
are both originally from Chester and were in a band together before this one.
Rich O has been in a couple of bands round London, so we've all done stuff
before this band."
2 - How did The Broxton Hundred begin?
"As I mentioned before, me and Gaz were originally in a
band from Chester that came down to London. When that band split up myself and
Gaz wanted to carry on and recruited Rich O to play the drums."
3 - Where did the name The Broxton Hundred come from?
"That actually comes from Chester again. It's an old way
of splitting up counties into these things called 'Hundreds'. And Chester would
have fell into that Hundred."
4 - How would you describe the sound of The Broxton Hundred?
"I guess all three of us bring a certain style to the
sound. There's elements of psychedelia in the guitar lines. The rhythm section
is quite dancy/funky and the melody lines are quite poppy. We want to bring
that all together in good quality pop songs."
5 - Your debut EP 'Higher Surroundings' is pressed in a vinyl sleeve and the CD has a vinyl effect about it. Do you consider yourself to be a retro band and are you inspired more by the vinyl age than the digital age of today?
wouldn't class ourselves as a retro band necessarily. I personally still love
to listen to music on vinyl, but I think vinyl sales are quite high now so that
makes it modern as well. We made the CD like that because we thought it looked
pretty cool. I think both formats have their place, and good music is good
music whatever era it comes from."
6 - The EP itself is based around four incredibly catchy pop songs with hints of psychedelia. How did these four songs come about and what inspired the EP?
"I had three of the songs written on an acoustic at a time just before the band started. So Gaz had some of his guitar lines done, then when Rich joined we worked on them as a band. The other tune 'She Brings the Light' just came out of a jam in our rehearsal studio."
7 - The EP as a whole is a fine snapshot as you as a band, however, the title track 'Higher Surroundings' is definitely a highlight for me personally. What is the song itself about?
Its a sort of bit of a riposte to a falling out I had with someone. I'll leave
it up to the listener to go over the lyrics though."
8 - You supported Folks last year. Folks themselves have already been on a bill with the likes of Noel Gallagher and Miles Kane. How did it feel being asked to support an already well-established act?
"It was great to be asked to support Folks especially
after the band hadn't been together long. It was a good night and feels like
we're on the right track getting asked to do gigs like that."
9 - Who would be your dream collaboration?
"Not really sure about a dream collaboration, as long as
the music sounds good at the end of it. I think most of these collaborations
are a bit of a disaster now, I associate them with people like Katy Perry
getting Snoop Dogg on one of her tunes that sounds like he just rapped into his
iPhone and sent it over."
10 - Any new songs in the pipeline?
"Yeah we're always working on new stuff and there's plenty
of new songs on the horizon."
11 - When can fans expect the next EP or single?
"We're going to release a single in October, which will
probably be digitally first and then have a physical release party sometime in
12 - Any live dates coming up?
"Were playing the purple turtle in Camden on 5th October. And 229 in Great Portland Street on 18th October"
"Were playing the purple turtle in Camden on 5th October. And 229 in Great Portland Street on 18th October"
1 - Favourite band?
"The La's."
2 - Favourite new band?
"The Broxton Hundred."
3 - Favourite song?
"Very difficult to answer but if I had to plump for a tune - Timeless Melody by The La's."
4 - Favourite album?
"A Storm In Heaven - Verve."
6 - Style icon?
"Don't really have one."
7 - Favourite clothing brand?
"Adidas for trainers, not bothered about other brands as long as it looks good."
8 - Favourite film?
"Might Ducks 2."
9 - Favourite TV show?
"American Dad."
10 - Who would you like to play you in a film of your life?
"Don't know enough actors to make a choice for that."
"Roast dinner."
12 - Favourite sport?
13 - Football team?
"Chester FC."
Hope you enjoyed this feature on The Broxton Hundred! Check out our previous feature on Memory Clinic!
You can listen to The Broxton Hundred here - https://soundcloud.com/thebroxtonhundred
You can also like our Facebook page to keep up to date with all future interviews at the following link - https://www.facebook.com/aldorabrittonrecords
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