1 - Have you been involved in any other bands or musical ventures prior to going solo as Ryan Norrie?
"There's been a few bands, most never really got off their feet, the only band I played gigs with was "Delusional". They were like experimental rock, a mash up between The Mars Volta and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I played bass with them for about half a year, it was descent, just musically it wasn't really my thing in the end."
2 - What pushed you towards becoming a solo artist originally?
"Honestly, I always wanted to be a lead man in a rock 'n' roll band. Like your Liam Gallagher, Richard Ashcroft, Alex Turner, Lee Mavers, those kind of guys, I'd still love to have a go at that one day. The thing was though, trying to get 4/5 lads with instruments in a room on a regular basis just wasn't happening. Too much relying on people, excuses on why they couldn't make practice, just let me down too many times. Then the more I got into Bob Dylan, Donovan, Billy Bragg and the likes, I thought, I'll just go it alone. Let the world hear my tunes, see how it goes."
3 - How would you describe your sound?
"Mash up of Bob Dylan, The La's and Oasis."
4 - Your debut album is going to be called 'Common Ground'. Why?
"It kind of just came to me, reason being probably that everyone has different jobs, backgrounds, problems but music is a sort of common ground that we all have, we can all relate to it."
5 - You've made a few of your songs available online already. One of these is 'Golden Eyes' - great song. Will this song be featuring on your album and what is the song itself about?
"It will feature on the album, I've still too record the studio version of it but that's a really new tune, wrote it this month. The song is about someone you have lost; trying to think back to the great times you had with him/her and "raise a glass" to them up in the sky. If I was looking into it more, Golden Eyes would probably be the stars in the sky."
6 - Who would be your dream collaboration?
"Straight away I'd think Noel Gallagher but this might be a shock to people who know me well, but it'd bee Lee Mavers of The La's. I just think he's a genius, very like my style of music and with only one album, such a wasted talent. We'd make one hell of a tune I think."
7 - Any new songs in the pipeline?
"I'm always writing songs, in terms of pipeline, only with the 12 songs being recorded for the album. But I'll be putting a lot more demos up in the future such as "Golden Eyes" to make sure my fans know I'm always working!"
8 - When can fans be expecting the album?
"Christmas 2013 - Easter 2014. The album process is going very well but slow, so I wouldn't stick a date on it yet. Four songs out of twelve done, so still a bit to do! So far, "Lyle's Lane", "One For Me", "Last Boy" and "Told To Vote" have all been recorded."
9 - Who would be in your dream supergroup (dead or alive)?
"Liam Gallagher - vocals, John Lennon - rhythm guitar and backing vocals, Johnny Marr - lead guitar, Mani - bass and Keith Moon - drums."
1 - Favourite Beatle?
"John Lennon."
2 - Favourite band?
3 - Favourite new band?
"The Clocktower. Check them out!"
4 - Favourite song?
"Looking Glass by The La's."
5 - Favourite album?
"Eh...there's three favourite: Definitely Maybe - Oasis, Bread And Circuses - The View and The La's - The La's."
6 - Vinyl, CD or download?
7 - Style icon?
"Liam Gallagher or Kyle Falconer."
8 - Favourite clothing brand?
"Pretty Green."
9 - Favourite film?
"Shaw shank Redemption."
10 - Favourite TV show?
"Still Game."
11 - Who would you like to play you in a film of your life?
"James Buckley."
12 - Favourite food?
13 - Football team?
"Dundee FC."
Hope you enjoyed this feature on Ryan Norrie! Check out our previous feature on Bright Smoke!
You can listen to Ryan Norrie here - https://soundcloud.com/ryan-norrie/ryan-norrie-golden-eyes
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AB Records
Amazing interview! Really enjoyed reading! You should definitely keep an eye out for this young man!